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"When The Weed-Eater Breaks..." - Devo #29

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

This past Wednesday, I was asked to run the weed-eater in my yard. Nothing too difficult; just trim around the fences, trees, and the flower beds.

However, this happened to be my first time running the weed-eater. You betcha! 19 years old and just now figuring out how to use the big, mean, green-grass-cutting machine.

Without hesitation after being asked to trim by my step-dad, I did so.

As it turned out, I wasn’t so bad at the job…...until the weed-eater decided to hug the stop sign at the edge of our yard and break out of it’s weed-feeding shell.

*choice-word spoken under my breath*

I had broken the weed-eater, and I was only half-way done with the job!


Colossians 3:8

But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.

I kept my cool walking over to the garage as I'm watching a YouTube video on how to refill the shell on the weed-eater, calling my step-dad over the phone to fix it, and eventually I got it back to running, again.

So......I returned to trimming the yard......

.......until IT BROKE AGAIN!!!!! AGHHHHH!!!!!

*choice-word spoken again, but this time, not so quietly*

I tried fixing it right on the spot with the screwdriver I had in my pocket, but it was not cooperating with me, it was over 90 degrees with the sun right over me, and all I wanted to do was throw the *choice-word* weed-eater across the yard.

Eventually I did, I broke the fence gate latch along the way, and I quit trimming the yard.

About 30 seconds later, my mom called to see how my day was going (during her crazy-busy day), and I let all of my attitude and blood-rushing temper shoot right through my cell-phone into her patiently-listening ear.

It was after hanging up with her and walking into the house to drink my water, sitting on the kitchen floor that I realized I had a little bit of an anger issue.


Colossians 3:15

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

It didn't take me breaking the weed-eater and yelling at my mom to first realize I had a temper issue. I've had a history of exploding when something does not work according to my own plans.

All my step-dad wanted to do was to help me over the phone, but I was too busy being frustrated to hear his full instructions (hence why the weed-eater broke, again), and my mom simply wanted to make sure my day was enjoyable after working all week.

But I chose to take my anger and pin it onto someone else, as if they had caused me the pain and frustration that came from within myself.

So what can I do to stop throwing a fit and turning in a 5'10", less muscular, green Hulk with a mild temper?

- Pray?

- Take a break and come back to it later?

- Talk with someone?

- Dive into scripture?

I started off by praying, knowing God is a merciful God, full of wisdom and grace.

I then took the weed-eater, from where I had thrown it, back to the garage, and walked into the house to cool off both the sweat running down my back and the steam running out of my ears.

Then, I talked a little bit more to God and to others who also bring me joy and happiness.

I then resorted back to the scripture in which I resorted to a lot as a young fella: Colossians 3 and Ephesians 6 - the "Obey Your Parents...because God told you so" chapters of the Bible my mom loved to refer to when I mouthed-off or didn't do the dishes before turning on my Xbox or going out with friends.

Colossians was referred above twice now, but I want to share a little bit more of what I think God wants us to hear and take action with as Believers and the lights of His kingdom:

In Ephesians 6, verse 1, we're told that by obeying our parents, we are to live longer on this Earth. While I'd love to go on up to Heaven and hang out with everyone up there, I know God has work for me to do down here on Earth.

But if you think about what scripture is saying there, if we are to not just be obedient to our parents, but also to the commandments of our Father and the Creator of all, we have a chance to live out our lives to the fullest of His mercy!

Not sure about you, but I think that's really, really amazing!

And over in Chapter 3 of Colossians, verses 2 and 5, Paul speaks of how we are to set our minds on the things above, not on earthly things - to put to death all of the things that bring us to sin. If we are to be alive in Christ, we have to find ways to remove sin from our lives and take action!

For me, I need to figure out where to throw my swear words when the weed-eater breaks, or when something happens in my life that I thought I could control, but it doesn't go my way.

I need to trust that when something goes a different direction than I would like it to, that God would give me a calm heart, and that He would give me wisdom to have patience and be at peace with what happens outside of my control.

I need to trust in God, having faith that He'll provide both peace and another way.

Whether or not that "other way" comes today or a long ways from now, I need to continue to grow within Him so that I can control myself when the world goes every other direction.

God's in control. Not me. Not you. Not your neighbor, co-worker, boss, classmate, or friend. Just God.

Questions to ask yourself:

1. What are you going to do when your weed-eater breaks? Not just the weed-eater that trims your lawn, but when something unexpectedly happens and you have little to no control over it.

2. How can you be at peace with yourself, others, and most importantly, God, when nothing goes the way you want it to go?

3. Who is one person you can speak to (someone you trust, look up to, or someone who might be struggling just like I was/am) both as a Believer and a brother/sister in Christ?

Pray.......that God would give you strength to trust in Him even when you want to throw your weed-eater across the lawn and start cussing-out the gosh-darn thing. Ask God to fill your heart with kindness and peace, now and forever.

With that said,

Live, love, and be loved.

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