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"When Duty Calls" - Devo #35

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Friday morning, I woke up to what I hoped would be my alarm......but I knew the sound of "WHY ISN'T THING THING WORKING?!?!?! ARGHHHH!!!" was not the sound my alarm clock made, nor did my alarm clock dare to ever try and wake me up 2 hours before I told it to do so.

As it turned out, the internet in our house had gone out, along with our television services and our phone we were out of luck, pouting over our 1st world problems: no Wi-Fi, no SportsCenter, no HGTV, no Stranger Things, no Fortnite......nothing.

Everybody was bummed.

So after dealing with the internet company from 8am to 8pm, we sort of got the internet working......and then I was woken up early yesterday morning......again.

Not the internet this time, thank the Lord, but I was called to go help set up for my grandfather's retirement party......which turned into a "Go get this, this and this" series of missions to get things that were forgot or not purchased yet, all at different locations across town.

After the party, I was to join a rescue mission at 9pm to capture a lost dog in the neighborhood, and then continue to clean up the mess left at the party down the road.

By 11:30pm last night, I had finally got home for good to hop in bed and lay there for a second in peace and harmony, knowing whatever I did the last two days whooped my butt, but at least I was able to help and bring others happiness through my sweat and frustration.


Proverbs 3:27

Do not withhold good from those whom its due, when it is in your power to act.

While I thought about writing about patience this morning, being that I was on hold with our internet company multiple times yesterday, I decided to change it up a little bit.

The two themes of my weekend have been patience and obedience.

Patience: because I've been doing my best to be at peace when things don't go my way, and I'm not the one getting what I want when I want an extra 2 hours of sleep. (Only one of the many good examples)

Obedience: because when I want to pretend I can't hear my stepmom upset at our internet provider or when I see my cousin trying to chase his kid around the country club for 3 hours instead of enjoying his time talking with the family, I know God calls me to serve Him by serving others before myself.

And that's just it.

The verse above, Proverbs 3:27 mentions not witholding good, meaning when you know you can do something, and you feel God calling you to do it, but you are being selfish with your time (happens all the time when I don't want to do dishes at my house), you should just go do that something and be thankful for where you're at in life and with who God has placed around you.

Proverbs 3:27 also mentions that when it's in your power to act, JUST DO IT!!!

If you have a specialty, whether that's a skill you picked up from school or experience or you are just naturally good at something, use that to your advantage to assist someone else.

When you see someone struggling to do something, you help them! It's not rocket science. It's called loving others before yourself; something I think the past few generations have had trouble doing without expecting something in return.


Galatians 6:2

Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.

While we don't have to fix everyone's problems, it sure is nice to receive an extra helping hand when it's least expected.

- Bringing someone coffee at work when you see they're going through a tough divorce

- Volunteering to babysit for your neighbors

- Visiting a nursing home and sparking some smiles that have been hiding for a while

- Spending 1 hour a month helping at a local food pantry

Those sort of things take very little time out of your entire day, and a very small fraction of your life. All to glorify God and show others how much He cares about them because God brought you to love them because we love God.

If we can give that little bit of time to others, there's not much more we need to do except remain obedient ALWAYS, especially when we really don't want to.


Questions to Ask Yourself:

1. How can you give your time today, this week, and on a routine basis?

2. Is there anyone or anything specific you have neglected or looked away from that you should go after and pursue in honoring Christ?

3. What is God calling you to do BIG?

Pray......that God would encourage you to move when you feel you're called, taking that step that comes after acknowledging you hear God: ACTION!!!

With that said,

Live, love and be loved.

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