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"What Holds You Back" - Devo #36

Updated: Apr 7, 2020


If you don't feel like reading the rest of this morning's devotional, the 5-word summary of my message is that Grudges. Will. Hold. You. Back. And that's what I've found to be true this summer.

Now, for the explanation:


Ephesians 4:31-32

Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Growing up, just about everyone I knew always had something against someone......ALL. THE TIME! Drama here, drama there, drama almost everywhere! And I wasn't a fan, nor am I now.

Just this past week, I may have gotten a really, really, really (too) short (of a) haircut, shorter than I was expecting to get, and while that is a completely different story to chuckle about, here's one small example I wanted to make:

*imagine Clint Eastwood's barber shop, and now we're leaving*

My sister, Anna: "B, why did you mention grandfather's name back in there?"

Me: "Uh...what's the big fuss?"

Anna: "That one barber and grandfather don't talk anymore."

Keep in mind, this was the place I got my very first haircut from back 19 years ago, and the barber used to be great buddies with my grandfather, so no wonder I got my hair cut so dang short!

I most likely wouldn't have gotten my haircut there if someone told me that before I went in there, and I probably would've talked to and treated the barber much differently knowing he had a quarrel with my grandfather: someone who I highly respect.


Mark 11:25

And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

Throughout my time in school, I had a lot of people I never felt like forgiving because I was hurt, more times than I care to count (because I can be lazy).

There was a former best friend I had in elementary school that I was either playing in the sandbox with or getting rocks thrown at myself by, and eventually, I just prayed (Matthew 5:44) with my mom that things would change and that God would show mercy, because I just wanted to read my book at recess in peace. (man, I was such a nerd, let me tell you!)

A few days before I moved away from that school, the friend sent me an apology letter, and I couldn't have been happier; not that they felt bad and asking for forgiveness, but that God answered my prayer and touched their heart. That was an amazing feeling as an 8-year-old to know God was really working in places I wasn't expecting Him to work in.

God's Power > Our Grudges

Whether you have a grudge against an old friend, relative, sibling, cousin, aunt, uncle. Parent, grandparent, in-laws, co-worker, boss, pastor, etc, remember that they mess up, and SO DO YOU!!! Don’t put yourself above someone as the one who is clear of all wrongdoing just because someone has done something to stir up hate in your heart!

You don’t have to forget everything someone once did towards you. I know personally that hurt and pain can cut really deep down, and in places only God can get to, and that's why we need Him to help heal us when we can't do it ourselves.

But I believe that you should forgive others because #1, Christ forgave and continues to forgive you, and #2, they’re going to make mistakes because they’re human, and so are you, and the most important: #3. God calls us to love one another as brothers and sisters through Him, so if we’re busy hating on one another, we’re really going to be upset when the person you hated goes on a cruise with all their friends, or a cheap fishing trip on their nice boat, while you sit at home and grudge, trying to find a new TV show to watch, because you’ve already seen every new season of every show this summer. (guilty)

Do not let evil defeat you, but defeat evil by doing good.

^ Romans 12:21 ^


Questions To Ask Yourself:

1. What grudge(s) are keeping you from doing awesome things?

2. What was God calling you to do as you read through this morning's devotional? Think about it and don't let go of that thought.

3. When. When will you go after that thought, that person, that grudge?

Pray......that God would fill you with peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness, going after what holds you back from defeating evil, showing Satan you aren't like Him because you were created by God to love others, just as God loves you.

With that said,

Live, love, and be loved.

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