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"The Vessel" - Devo #45

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Throughout this entire week, there were a number of times where I wanted to take control of a crappy situation.

For example: a guy sitting behind me at a football game yesterday, that I wanted to either A. Clock him square in his jaw, B. Stand up and tell him to keep his mouth shut or positive, or C. Both A and B.

However, I chose D. None of the above, and remained patient and thankful that my parents didn't raise me like that 45-year-old who couldn't say a single nice thing the entire game.

By the way, the team he was "cheering" for (being the home team, which I was cheering for), won 42-25 with a 42-point comeback. GO KNIGHTS!!!


2 Timothy 1:7

For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self-control.

I can guarantee you, God gave me a lot of self-control in order to show love to the knuckle-head at the game, and I'm thankful He did!

And without ranting about the other times things seemed (or seem) to be out of my own control both now and in the past, I'll share a few things I've learned from a couple of tunes.

Starting off with one of my newer favorites, Brandon Lake wrote a song titled "Pour Me Out".

The general message of the song is saying "Spirit of God, pour me out," and "Make me a vessel of your love, hope, peace," and talks about all of the hatred, war, and castaways. The song calls for us to be vessels, or ships, of God's love, carrying God's message of peace and hope to others.

No, we're not sailing our ships from door to door with the Bible in one hand and a "How-To-Make-It-To-Heaven" packet and grandma's cookies in the other, but we're being there for others when they seem to really need it most.


Isaiah 43:2

"I will be with you when you pass through the waters, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. You will not be scorched when you walk through the fire and the flame will not burn you."

Just as we are called to be vessels of God's love and hope for a better future, we also can't fix everything on our least...we can't fix everything if God isn't there with us.

I figured out (meaning I wasn't the first, but figured it out for myself) that making a difference in someone else's life, and in the lives of those around us, is a heck of a lot easier with God at our side.

When we try and take on battles by ourselves, we tend to get lost in our own mess and forget why we stepped in to begin with. At least, that's my perspective.


Psalm 31:5

Into your hands I commit my Spirit; deliver me, Lord, my faithful God.

The second and last tune that has been in my head recently (as in the song I'm currently listening to) is called "In Manus Tuas" which translates to "Your Hand In Mine".

This is a song written by my former high school choir director, which constantly reminds me to place my hands into His hands.

It's not just knowing that God will be in control of the everyday battles I face, but believing and trusting that He will. By placing my hands in His, and having self-control while I patiently wait for an answer or a result to show up, I can and will be a vessel for Him. I will be a vessel for others. And I will be a vessel for myself.

In the famous words of Mother Teresa, "If you can't feed one-hundred people, then feed just one."

Start with yourself, then someone else, and continue to multiply the vessels to share His love and wisdom.

With that said,

Live as His disciples, spread His love like a vessel, and be loved by yourself, by those around you, and by the Creator of Heaven and Earth.

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