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"The Four Letter F-word" - Devo #41

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Fuzz?......nope. Folk?.......nope. Fate?......nope.

This morning's four letter f-word is one most common to our hearts and minds, but not the world most unnecessarily used:

The four letter f-word is fear......and the reason I chose to write about fear stems from the fact that the entire nation should've started college, school, and work by now.

Some people are just beginning this week, some have already started earlier in August, and some are soaking up their summer as much as possible.

But for many, new beginnings, especially the new beginnings without those you love and want to have with you, can be really difficult to start off with.

For my brother, he's starting off 4th grade in a new classroom without his best friends, and for my sister, an entirely new high-school as an incoming freshman.

When I was my brother's age, I moved from South Carolina to the upper-half of the country in small-town Iowa to start afresh? THAT...was terrifying!

So for this morning, the four letter f-word is going to take you into your very first year of college...


Luke 12:22-26

Do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

Fear is one of those things we wish we had 100% control over so we could pretend we're invincible and can take a bunch of hits, but we know that's not realistic.

At least that's how I think!

This past week, I've pushed myself through my R.A. training (Resident Assistant) for the upcoming school year at Wartburg College. Needless to say, I've had an average of about 4.5 hours of sleep a night since Tuesday, and my main prayer has been that God would help me press on, when really I needed to be praying for Him to step in and take over.

No, I didn't think God was planning on coming down to the 3rd floor of my residence hall to help me put up "Welcome Home" signs on the doors and walls, but He did manage to find those who would and did come to help me when I needed them the most.


John 14:27

Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.

Some find peace in the arms of someone they love.

Some find peace in more than 4.5 hours of sleep a night.

Some find peace in knowing Iowa State didn't lose to UNI.

Some find peace in a Busch Light.

Some find peace in essential oils.

Some find peace in watching funny TV shows and movies.

I'm going to tell you that finding peace does not come from pleasing ourselves, because that peace is temporary.

Finding peace is trusting in God to sit on Satan every time the devil tries to crush what could be an amazing day, but he somehow pricked you hard enough to make you shed a tear, think about the worst in a situation, and affect your heart deeply, seeking fear over hope.

Hope conquers fear every single time, but you have to choose to believe that God is bigger than your anxieties, your struggles, your pain, and your temporary issues.

You cannot find peace in giving up or settling for less than God has stored up for you.

But you can find peace in letting go of the thought that you're invincible and choose to believe that God will catch you when you fall, because

"Hope conquers fear every single time"

Proverbs 12:25

An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.

Every storm eventually runs out of rain, but each storm also has the potential to come at times when we least expect them, and we truly have no idea how long they will last.

It's a good thing God planted the idea of an umbrella into some inventor's head because now we've got something to shield us from the rain.

And in you, me, and your neighbor.....are all umbrellas.

We're the ones who are to chase after those who are hurting and broken within.

And we're the ones who choose to love someone when they hurt us because God loves us when we don't always love Him the same.

And to those who wish God would clear the storm and provide fields of green, with red roses, too, I tell you that our God is a patient God, hoping that we all will replicate that same patience and be okay with not having it all at once.

You wouldn't be truly grateful if God gave you everything you wanted all at once. God gives to those who believe in Him, so don't count how many times God filled your fruit basket. Count how many times you trusted in God and prayed to Him, and He dropped an apple right in front of you.

Go out today, and this week, and into the school year knowing that He strengthens those who are weak because His power is made perfect in our weakness.




With that said,

Live without fear, love unconditionally, and be loved by those who believe in you.

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