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"The Circles of Life" - Devo #38

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Yesterday afternoon, I went back to the theater to see the live-action Lion King for the second time this summer.

Do I regret it? Absolutely not. I just wished all afternoon ticket prices were the same, but that's not what this morning's devo is about.

This morning's devo is about the circles of life. Not just "THE circle of life," but the many circles in our lives that we encounter on a daily basis, on a weekly basis, on a yearly basis, and throughout the entirety of our days.


Romans 5:3

More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance.

My very first day of middle school to my last day in 8th grade was one of the circles of my life. Not the first, but the most memorable.

I went from the new kid on the block, the one who started off playing basketball by himself at recess and watching the other kids play kickball in the distance with their other friends, to the kid who stole home every time in kickball, sang in the chamber choir, was one of the lead trumpets in band, and became a friend to many previously unfamiliar faces.

Then high school came......I was the life of the party my freshman year, then I plummeted wayyyyy down my sophomore year when my senior friends left, and I tore my hip labrum putting me way behind in sports, missing the opportunity to join the fall play, and scratching my larynx during surgery, all right before my All-State choir audition.

Then out of all of the muck and crap of my sophomore year came my junior year, being put into positions of leadership, both ones with and without official "leader" or "captain" labels. And then my senior year came: the reign of the homecoming king, choir all-stater for the first time ever, accepted into the college of my dreams, promoted at work.......pretty much the greatest time ever.

Then college came......

I think you're starting to see the circles now.

It starts off great, then starts to plummet, then you think your life is over and there's no hope for the future......but you cling to God because He's all you've got left at times......and then you start to see Him working in your life once again......but we don't always see the light when we want to.

When we want to ≠ when God is ready to


John 16:33

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

With this verse, I think back to the scene in the movie where Simba and Mufasa are sitting on the top of a big rock (not Pride Rock), and they’re looking at all of the land Mufasa controls as king:

“Everything the light touches is our kingdom.”

That’s when I think of John 16:33:

Simba has overcome the pride-lands just as God has overcome the world.

He went from the son of a king to become a castaway to the prodigal son who saves everyone from evil to the king over all the pride-lands.

While we may not all become kings and queens, C.E.O.'s and owners, grand politicians and Presidents of countries, we all will go through our own circle God has set forth for us to endure.


Romans 8:18

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

If your circle happens to be bigger and contain a longer period of suffering than your neighbor's circle, God just might have something far greater planned ahead.

While it's easy to say, there truly is nothing to be afraid of.

At the end of our final circle, after facing the number of circles in our lives, we will one day rise up in glory, and sit right next to God.

Through faith and love. But until we find our place on the path God is unwinding, continue on with the circles, the circles of your life, and the circles of the lives around you.

With that said,

Hakuna Matata, love others, and be loved.

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