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"Spiritual Scorecard" - Devo #8

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

It’s been almost a week since I’ve been back at college, and I’m already missing my 7+ hour sleep schedule from Christmas break. I’m also missing not having to be responsible for as much as I am now. If only I could take a break from my classes, work, and all of the college drama that goes on…….oh wait…….that’s what Saturdays are for, huh?


I was looking back at my last devo after Dabo Swinney and his Clemson Tigers swept the National Championship from under Coach Saban’s feet, and I looked more into the scripture that I had used.

The last verse, Proverbs 27:17, stood out to me.

“Iron sharpens iron just as one man sharpens another.”

Knowing that my generation tends to be known as “Generation Me” or better yet “Millennials”, I tend to often see a very small number of others who keep one another accountable, let alone their own selves.

I know that praying, reading my Bible, and filling my life with more Godly things are all supposed to help me grow as an individual, but more often than not, I find myself surrounded by others who influence my decisions because I’m easy to manipulate at times. Manipulate meaning sometimes I can be a follower more than a leader.

About halfway through my week, I decided to start reading more scripture and discovering teachings from people I highly respect about how I can stay true to what I believe and how I can act out those examples.

After looking over all of the information that I found, I decided Thursday morning to grab a sticky note off my desk and write a tally throughout the day whenever I said, did, or even thought of something that went against what I believed in. Whenever I caught myself in any sort of immoral or un-Godly situation, I found I was much quicker to turn from it and write down a mark for what I did.

Looking back at the end of my day, I had about 31 tally marks which meant I definitely need to work on my heart. After seeing that, I prayed over my mistakes, crumpled up the sticky note, and threw it away. All of that was in my past.

Friday, I decided to make it even more specific. I wanted to be more honest with myself in terms of how I can keep myself accountable for my thoughts and actions. So I did the same thing except with an index card that looked very similar to this one:

On the left side, I had anything that was dishonorable to the Lord. Negative thoughts, swear words, "roasts", "just a joke", and lust.

One of the worst things about being a college guy is being around other guys who use demeaning connotations that address women in any other title besides unique, sweet, courageous, flirt, princess, queen, gal, social butterfly, or wild. It gets in my head and the minute I see who they're talking about, I instantly judge just because of what I was told.

While roasts and jokes were hilarious in high-school, they really affect people in college. More than not, they hurt people in ways we don't see because the person who gets "roasted" plays it cool. And along with the f word after f word, it becomes just another word that is thrown around from mouth to another ear and then from mouth to ear, again.

Knowing that it's becoming an issue that seems to drag on, I figured at least I can have a physical card in my pocket to remind me each time I want to repeat something or think something that I shouldn't.

On the right side of my card, I had encouraged, compliment, "frick, frack, crap" (finding an alternative swear word), picked up trash, and looked-away. All of those are easy things that I can do to bring light into our world which is broken into darkness.

Romans 3 : 23

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

While we know it's evident that we have sinned and are going to continue to sin even when we don't expect to, we need to find ways as Christians to combat temptations of the flesh and sin that goes against God's Word. I like to think of it like a game: God and His followers on one team against Satan and whoever drags on his leg on the other team. It's really fun when you think of it like that because every great offensive and defensive play that you make helps God's team put the devil in a terrible mood.


Whether or not you actually write down some things you think you can work on, I just want to say this: the only person who can see your stats, both good and bad stats, is God, Jesus, and yourself.

Work hard behind the scenes on your spiritual and physical character so that others can watch from a distance as you grow into a stronger man/woman of God.

I guarantee when someone asks why you act and live the life that you do, your scorecard is going to be really full on one side and really empty on the other. It's up to you to decide which side of your card you want to see full.

So go out this week and make some big plays for God's team!

Go and give of your time!

Be brave and reach out to someone who you can help back up!

Say kind words to those who others think don't deserve them!

Have faith in your thoughts and actions!

Final verse in Ephesians 5:1 & 2, "Be imitators of Christ and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us."

Live, love, and be loved.

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