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"Roller Coaster" - Devo #42

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

The past 2 weeks of being back to college have interchangeably been really exciting and really slow. I’ve got anxiety on the inside like a rabbit, and the to-do list of a turtle because there just isn’t much to do as far as school work and studying goes……….yet.

I caught myself explaining to others how my brain feels like I’m on a roller coaster, buckled up, bar over my head, and have taken off from the start of the ride.

Along with that, I’ve got no idea how long until I get to the top of the roller coaster, and absolutely no idea how fast or long the ride will go once I go down the first hill, through the loop-dee-loops, and possibly start to feel like I could throw up, again.

While that sounds dramatic and all, because it is, let me better explain my analogy along with sharing some Bible verses that might assist my creative interpretation.

Isaiah 41:10

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

This past August, I went to Adventureland in Altoona, IA with my girlfriend and parents for an exciting day at the water and amusement park. And of course……we had to ride all of the crazy roller coasters.

And on just about every roller coaster we hopped on, there was the smallest bar or seatbelt that held us in while we took off at 50-60+ mph, and you better know I was squealing like a pig, not being a huge fan of fast rides, especially not the rides with what felt like the least secure systems of keeping me from flying out of the carts.

In that same way, I often doubt God’s protection and comforting whisper of safety amidst the roller coasters in my life.

I’m so caught up thinking about the “what-if’s” and coming up with scenarios in my head to try and see what I should do when x, y, and z happen.

I tend to forget to listen when He tells me, “Be still, dude. I’ve got you,” and I miss out on what could’ve been a really fun experience. Instead, I get so worked up about something that I totally miss the joy God tries to place along my harder and darker adventures and trials of my life.

Psalm 100:5

The Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations. (and roller coasters)

Has God really prepared me for what’s to come?

I guess I should be asking if I’ve been preparing myself……have I been filling myself with God’s Word, praying He’ll guide me and comfort me, or have I been too preoccupied with all of the negative thoughts that keep me from enjoying the ride?

Touching base with Psalm 100:5, God’s faithfulness has continued on from generations before our time, so He’s pretty good at doing His job.

If you’re even reading this now, let me remind you that God could’ve derailed you from your roller coaster a long time ago, but He has chosen to keep you on His path to pursue His plans for you, plans to prosper you and to help you lead others to Him.

He has chosen to keep you on His path to pursue His plans for you

We’ve all faced battles, or roller coasters, in our lives before. And I truly believe that one roller coaster prepares you for the next one, and God will eventually strengthen you to where your fear of roller coasters slowly becomes non-existent because He’ll never leave you in the end of each one.

When you finally get off whatever roller coaster God’s got you on, you’ll come to realize, “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be!”, and that will all be because of Him who gives you strength. Don’t forget that.

Since we can’t really stop the roller coasters in our life once they get going, we might as well throw our hands up, laugh a little, and enjoy the ride. The times when I struggle the most in my battles, and the people that stand alongside me during those times are the ones I remember and learn from the most.

To know that God will get me from point A to point B and then from point C to point D, I’ve got nothing to fear.

And If I’ve got nothing to fear, I might as well laugh in the face of Satan, letting him know God’s not letting us go anywhere but straight forward for His people, and then straight on up home to His Kingdom.

With that said,

Live with your hands up, laugh a little, love those next to you, and allow them to love you back.

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