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"Patiently Perseverant" - Devo #20

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Not sure about anyone else, but I’m pretty thankful that God and the weather man finally worked out an agreement on the forecast for this week!

70+ degrees, 1 morning of snow, I mean…...this is some good stuff!

While a lot of us wait for things like spring/summer weather, job-opportunities, relationships, movies to release in the theaters, and other open doors, God often tests our patience.

And for me, He REALLY tests my patience, as sometimes I can be intolerant and unwilling to listen to what He’s got waiting.

“I WANT IT NOW!!!” says my brain.

But funny enough, it’s not about what you want that’s going to matter in the long run…….


Colossians 1:11

Be strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have endurance and patience.

This past Thursday, I was trying to plan out my weekend, and I thought about one of my family-friends from back home, Mrs. Jess. (Family Friend = a friend who should be family, but they're not actually related to you)

Mrs. Jess, who's more like my mom/aunt, has been going through her days with some serious leg pain, and recently had surgery to try and fix her up.

While I know Mrs. Jess is not a fan of slowing down , and just wants to "GO! GO! GO!", God got her to slow down.

Back to the story I was hoping to get at, Mrs. Jess and I were texting Thursday afternoon, and we asked each another what we could be praying about for both of our crazy, busy lives.

Her response was to be able to get back to her normal routine and speed without having a boot on to drag her around and tell her what to do.

When she asked me what I needed prayer for, I felt like saying, "Oh not much, God's taking care of things over here!" And right before I instinctively said that, I thought of how stubborn I was, and how I might need a boot, too!

"I would just say prayers for patience and perseverance." Then I realized that didn't make any sense because patience means waiting, and perseverance means keep going......

But nope, she understood, and I'm fairly certain God knew more about how I was feeling than I did myself.


Psalm 143:10

Teach me to do what you want, because you are my God. Let your good Spirit lead me on a level ground.

While patience is attributed to being still, and perseverance is attributed to pushing onward, I believe that the two go hand in hand.

God often already has us where He wants us to be, yet we're really good at over-looking what He's placed right in front of us.

I can say that, without a doubt, I've gone and went for a run or watched some Netflix to try and remove some of the uncertainty in my life.

When I feel like I know what's best for myself, I can choose to go with the easy route and nurture my physical wants v.s. my spiritual needs.

I'd much rather want to watch The Office or Avengers for the 1,258th time as opposed to reading my Bible.

I'd much rather ignore when God says, "Look up!", when I don't think something is worth trying because it hasn't worked before.

And I'd much rather do things at the pace I feel works best, thinking I know myself better than the Creator of mankind and the entire universe!

But man, can I be dumb?! (easy question to answer)


1 John 2:17

The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

God has already placed resources to grow in your relationship with Him...and sometimes these "resources" are literally right next to you, yet you want to look beyond what's at your feet.

He has already made a path for your just takes sitting back, taking a deep breath, and relaxing for a minute to identify what those resources might be.

Is it a friend who could challenge you to stay focused on God's plan, and keep one another accountable?

Is it a place that makes you feel comfortable, yet keeps you driven to work hard when you feel God has you in that place for a reason?

Is it a thing that you know you're really good at, but you're uncertain if it's what God wants you to be doing?

Whatever it is that you can take, go after it......but be patient with God when He doesn't reveal each and every bit of the puzzle all at once.

God has so many gifts lined up for you in your future. But for now, be perseverant with what God has in the present, and the presents will come as you're obedient to listen and to understand, even when your hope and faith are sitting on the back-burner.

Questions to toss-up to God:

1. What motivates you to do something?

2. Who in your life has a burning passion in their heart for Christ?

3. How can you take #1 and #2 and use them to pursue a stronger connection with God in your own life?

Pray…….that you would find what God has set ahead of you, but that He would keep you busy with what you've already got to work with.

With that said,

Live, love, and be loved.

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