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"Music of Living" - Devo #18

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Fun Fact to start off this morning's devotional.......

I changed my major!..........................again! (2nd time)

As of this Monday, I am now a Journalism and Communication major. While this is super exciting to start thinking about for my classes next year, my entire week has been spent stressing out about what my crazy-busy schedule will look like next year.

I wrote down all of my involvements on a list to find I have 12 extra-curricular activities that I will be involved in starting in the fall. This does not include my 6-7 classes I'll be taking each semester.

Yes......I'm incredibly frantic and have been holding it in all of this week.......until I get to choir each day......the time where the only thing I have to worry about is singing the right lyrics......but there's more to the music than just the words.


Daniel 2:20

Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are His.

I'm currently writing this devotional from a 100 year-old house in Lomira, Wisconsin as I'm traveling for the weekend with my men's college choir, the Ritterchor.

As we sang through our pieces last night in our concert, I began to transition into auto-pilot mode while a number of thoughts came into my head about the message each song presented.

In our opening piece, "The Music of Living" , the song begins like this:

"Giver of life! Creator of all that is lovely! Teach me to sing the words to Your song!"

The power of the music hit me during a time where all I was thinking about was homework, relationships, my future, you name it!

Just as the music states it, God gives life to all that He has created lovely. I eventually got goosebumps on my arms, and I felt the comfort of the Holy Spirit as I was free to sing the words to God's song.

Jeremiah 20:13

Sing to the Lord! Give praise to the Lord! He rescues the life of the needy from the hands of the wicked.

God put just enough life into me during the songs we sang last night to speak volumes to the others in the audience, and the others in the choir (especially myself).

I felt that God was taking all of my hurt and pain off of my shoulders, and I was free to praise Him through singing and dancing among 64 other Ritterchor men.

Deuteronomy 10:21

He is the one you praise; He is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes.

I've found that worship isn't only by singing, playing an instrument, or dancing. Worship is an act of love towards God, and can be performed, not only on a stage, but in the way that you 'walk the walk' and 'talk the talk' in your everyday life.

Worshiping God by not putting technology before your time with God.

Worshiping God by not putting your work before your relationship with your family.

Worshiping God by the way you treat others, both the ones you care about and those who you think aren't worth caring about.

If God put the world together in 6 days and performed miracles, bringing life to the dead and sight to the blind through His son, Jesus (who once walked on the same ground we walk on), have faith that He will perform miracles through you knowing He has the power to fix anything that is broken.

Questions to toss-up to God:

1. How can I worship God this week?

2. What is it that I can do to honor Him in my everyday life?

3. What kind of music am I filling my life with? Music of living or something else?

Pray…….that God would show you His ways for you through music, and that you would act upon His gifts of life that He gives you.

With that said,

Live, love, and be loved.

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