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"Messy House" - Devo #32

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Coming back home from college 5 weeks ago, I unloaded all of my dorm room stuff on the front porch of my house. There was no space in my bedroom because of all the stuff I had left there from high-school, there was no room in the dining room because we had storage all in the corners and under the table, and no room in the basement because we still had boxes from when we first moved into the house!

I was so frustrated and embarrassed with myself that I had let everything pile up and never take any initiative to clean and organize all of the old clothes, technology, and other crap that was stacked all over the house.

I was living in a messy house, and I had enough of it as of this past week.


James 2:17

Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

While my parents were on a mission trip in Honduras this past week, I decided (with permission from chief executive Mom and owner of the home step-dad) to sell, donate, toss-out a ton of old clothes, stuff I didn't need, and began cleaning out the house.

As of yesterday, I can say at least 75% of this house is......pretty clean, and a lot better than it was when my parents left for Honduras.

But while I was home alone, sweeping the floors at 9am the other day, I started to think about how this process of cleaning the house, dusting off so, me of the older stuff we had laying out, was connected to my faith.

If we aren't actively (on a daily/weekly basis) cleaning our house, it's going to get messy, things will pile up, and we're a lot less likely to want to clean up our messy house the dirtier and grosser it gets.

It's the exact same with our faith. We can either have a messy faith or an active and clean faith.


2 Corinthians 12:9

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

For myself, the "it's fine, I'll deal with that later", goes on way too often.

"I'm going to get really fit this summer."

"I'm going to do so much with my friends this summer."

"I'm going to travel a lot this summer."

"I'm going to clean out the garage and turn it into a gym."

"I'm going to _____"

The thing is, if I want something, I have to commit. I can't start something and not finish it.

If I have a messy house, I need to do something about it. I can't let Satan distract me from what I should be doing, and move onto something I shouldn't be doing.

I don't just mean sinful paths, but doing anything that isn't on the path that God had me on. If God started me on a path, He knew I was supposed to be on it, and I need to figure out which doors to go through along the way.

And yes, I will mess up, I will get tired and stop working, but I can't quit on what I'm working on.

In the future, I can't quit on my job, my family, my friends, and most importantly: I cannot quit on God.

In verse 10 of 2 Corinthians 12, Paul writes, "That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Not only are we stronger with God, but He enhances us. No, God is not a drug, but it sure wouldn't be bad to get addicted to Him and stay addicted, that's for sure!


Matthew 6:33

Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Whatever you're facing, know that as long as you can focus on God first (meaning before you focus on anything else), He will do the rest for you.

No, reading your Bible every day for an entire month and praying 3x a day probably won't help you pay off your house mortgage or give you 25% off on your groceries, but it just might help you find peace when you need it most, and your character will determine a lot more when your character reflects His character.

God didn't think to have Jesus die on the cross if Jesus was feeling like it.

God didn't say, "Nah, these people need to suffer, they're really messed up."

He forgave everyone and moved on with His plans. Sent His son to clean up our messes, so we could finish what He started for us: a new life with and through Him.

So what's your plan?

Are you going to let your house get messy until it gets too messy to undo, or will you be active in cleaning the mess both in front of you and the mess in the mirror?

Questions to ask yourself:

1. Is your house messy? Is it because of an excuse you've created and settled with?

2. If #1 is a "Yes, and I feel guilty, but..." how can you flip your excuse into motivation?

3. Has God ever told you, "Hold on, I can't make time for you now"? Then why should you tell Him the same?

Pray...that God would move you to do amazing things today, tomorrow, and this week, that you would reflect on all the great things He's done and take that inspiration to create great things in your life and share that same amazing love with others who might could use it, too!

God isn't lazy, nor will He ever be. Don't make excuses. Just serve Him!

With that said,

Live, love, and be loved.

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