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"Lost In The Wilderness" - Devo #25

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Yesterday, myself and five of my newest friends were a little bit lost in the Rocky Mountains......about 3-4 miles from our vehicle.

We were running out of snacks, water, and quite frankly were not doing so well with the low levels of oxygen provided we were so high up in the mountains.

It went from snowing, to raining, to dry open fields, and we were taking breaks every 3-5 minutes as we slipped and slid down the mountain trails, hoping to figure out where in the world we were going.

After taking a few more wrong turns left and right, we eventually agreed that the only way we were getting out of our mess was by trusting in one another, knowing that we could only go so much further without burning out.

A few hops, skips, and jumps later, we had sighted a road with cars off in the far distance, went a 'little bit' off the trails, crossed a river with a make-shift bridge, and made it safely back to our van!


Ecclesiastes 4:9,10, &12

Two are better off than one, because together they can work more effectively. If one falls down, the other can help them up. But if someone is alone and falls, it’s just too bad, because there is no one to help him. Two people can resist an attack that would defeat one person alone. A rope made of three cords is hard to break.

Once we had all returned to our van and hopped back on the road back to campus (since we're here in Denver, Colorado for a Spanish Class Trip), we started to discuss our favorite parts of the journey through the mountains along with how each person helped to keep our group strong.

Everyone agreed that the number one thing that kept us all together was our vision: a confident, positive vision.

One way or another, we had faith that we were getting back......and we did just that!

But it wasn't just that we had faith that we were going to return safely. We had faith in one another.

Even though we really didn't know each other all that well before we began our hike, we left knowing so much about each person's character and their mental and physical endurance.

When one of us would fall, one would rush to pick that person up. When one of us needed a break, the entire group waited until we were all ready to continue moving. When we were all starting to break and slowly start to run out of energy, we were clear in our communication with one another that we should stop to take care of one another and ourselves.

As a group, together, we could face ANYTHING!


1 Corinthians 12:14

For the body is not one member, but many.

Correct. The body of Christ is not just those who have perfect attendance at your church. The body of Christ includes everyone who believes in Christ and His sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, His one and only son, then later resurrected.

But I'd also like to add that we need to love more than just those in our own church.

We need to love those who seem furthest from Christ. Those who tear us down every day. Those who have treated us the worst. The ones we hate to be around because they have nothing beneficial to give to our lives. "Complete wastes of our time!"

We need to love those who we are most unfamiliar with. When I was lost in the mountains, I didn't choose to leave the other five behind and make a path on my own. I saw that I could work with them towards finding sanctuary. I looked for the good in others knowing each person could help in some way.

While we knew we would eventually be safe, we didn't know when we would return. We didn't know if we'd be stuck sliding down the mountain because the snow had melted and the rain was coming at our backs.

We just had faith in each other, knowing no matter our differences, we were going to work as one to finish what we started.


Ephesians 4:16

From whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.

My pastor from back home, Pastor Steve Frykholm, has this one famous saying that he says often: "Church, I'm a mess!"

And it's right then and there that you see someone so dedicated to learning and seeking God's wisdom to lead our church to make a difference in our world...say that he is a mess! He isn't perfect, he has messed up, and he can get lost in his own wilderness sometime!

WE ALL DO! Even pastors and those we look up to the most have made mistakes (big or small) and will continue to make mistakes, but by building one another up, forging the body of Christ to be a body that loves one another NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCES, we will feel more and more of God's presence within us!

It says it clearly in one of my favorite books of the Bible, Hebrews, looking into Chapter 11 verse 6: Without faith, it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him, for whoever draws near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him.

The more we choose to honor God with our actions and our thoughts, the more aware we will become to the blessings God already has lined up for us!

He will make a way in the wilderness, it's literally a verse in the Bible. [Isaiah 43:19]

When we're lost and alone, God will make us found. He will put the right people in our lives to take care of us so that when they're lost and scared, we can give back the love they once gave us!


'Questions' to ask yourself:

1. Picture one person you cannot stand to be around. Is it a friend? A family member? A co-worker?

2. Think of one way you can choose to show them the love that Christ has shown you......have you thought of it yet?

3. How WILL you (meaning you are going to) show that person (or multiple people, please the more the better!) that you care for them, regardless of the response or reaction they have after you do so?

4. How can you pray that God would clear up your wilderness this weekend, whatever your wilderness may be?

Pray... that God would make a way in the wilderness, creating rivers in the desert so that you won't walk around feeling empty, but full of joy and good spirit, knowing the only spirit you need to get you through your days is the Holy Spirit; Christ alone!

With that said,

Live, love, and be loved.

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