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"God's Plan" - Devo #6

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Although “God’s Plan” is a great song and an awesome music video, this message is not a promotion for Drake, the rapper, or any of his music.

This Sunday-morning message is about God’s plan for all of us!

I’m sorry to disappoint you so early on in this devo, but I don’t have a clue as to what His plan is for you, your family, your buds, or for myself. What I’m going to share with you is (the quickly, summed-up story) about my past 8-10 months running my own race while God sat back on His throne and giggled at the big and little mistakes I made on my own.

I thought I had it figured out, when in reality, I was a lost teenager running around with a blindfold on. <-- not a promotion for Bird Box, but great movie :)

And before I take off with story time, here’s a Bible verse that fits well with today’s message:

Micah 6:8 (read Micah 6:1-7 beforehand to understand the verse below better)

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”


Moving onto story time…….

The first day of Christmas break for me had just hit, I was settling in back at home and I was able to lay down on my couch and rest. After laying down for a few minutes, I got right back up thinking I had still had something to do, something to turn in, something to complete………so I went to my laptop and started looking over a bunch of stuff that I had to do and…..

Ok that’s the long version. To cut the story even shorter, I was so stressed out and couldn’t figure out what God’s plan for me was. Being completely honest, I was pretty mad at God.

So what did I do the 8-10 months before then? I kept running my own race, doing my own thing, and not realizing that He had something for me to go after, but I was greedy………so I went into college as a Business major thinking “let’s go make some big bucks so I can have a nice house, a nice car, hopefully impress a cute gal along the way, and I’ll figure the rest out later. Oh, and if God can stick around, that’d be great.”

Only to realize a couple weeks into college, I was going to need God more than I ever thought I would need Him.

So fast-forwarding to now, I’ve decided to change my major from Business to Education. Big switch, yes, but it was what I felt I have been consistently called to do: educate, not only younger generations, but my own generation and the generation before me.

I’ve realized the importance behind valuable lessons that my parents, teachers, and wise church leaders/friends taught me that I chose to set aside till now. Some of those things include (but are not limited to) leading by example, more walk and less talk, the power of prayer, e.t.c. Knowing that those lessons I was taught mean something bigger than what I've made them out to be, I have to start applying them to my life that God has so graciously planned out for me.

I have to trust in Him knowing that I’m not in the driver seat and that He is ultimately in control of everyone and everything else around me. I can only control myself.

It’s hard to make big changes, especially for myself. I am not a big fan of surprises, changes, or anything new. I like to think I'm in control of everything, I have moved from one house to two house to red house to blue house 10+ times in my lifetime (and I’m glad I’m here in Iowa for a while), and I order the #3 combo meal from Chick-Fil-A. Every. Single. Time. (not a promotion for you to buy me Chick-Fil-A, but I’ll never say no to The Lord’s daily bread and chicken minis sent straight from Heaven)

Knowing that God will be there for me whenever I fall away from Him makes me want to try and maybe stop doing that. Maybe I will, actually let’s try the word ABSOLUTELY I’m going to continue to persevere when I’m distracted from His plan and I start to do my own things without His help. I am going to make plans with Him, meaning I’ll have to pray more often, stick my head in The Word, and limit my time watching The Office, Riverdale, and anything else that doesn't benefit my future with Him.

Everyone has their own little “New Year, New Me” resolutions, but what if we tried “New Year, New Faith” instead?

We don’t have to change our entire lives to do only “Jesus things” as some may refer to. But what if we made more of an effort to honor Christ, not just ourselves and our wants? We can’t continue to trust in God’s plan only when it matches with our own plan. We need to trust that God’s plan will be our own plan.

We need to trust that God will direct our decisions, words, actions, and thoughts…….and to do that, we need to have a “New Faith”, not a “New Me”.



God’s Plan.

Happy almost New Year, New Faith.

Live, love and be loved.

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Jan 05, 2019

Had to read this one again. ❤️You’re an awesome writer and encourager, Britt! Keep chasing God’s plan for you.


Dec 30, 2018

Great message! Very proud of you and your faith!

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