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"F4" - Devo #44

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Where has Britt been? What happened to those Sunday Morning Devos, is he still doing those? Oh good, he's taking a break from those, they filled my feed up too much.

No, nobody asked any of those things, but yeah, I've been pretty busy. And by pretty busy, I mean both busy with stuff I've got going on already and with stuff I'm currently working on... a guys' Bible study.


While I wish I had some epiphany put together with a really creative analogy for this morning, I do not. What I do have is some really cool stuff God's been doing in my life, aside from the average of 4.5 hours of rigid sleep I've been getting the past three nights, and what He's been doing in the hearts of others around me.

1 Peter 2:17

Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.

That's right. A brotherhood. At least, we're getting there.

It started off as a crazy idea I had last year when just about every other guy I met was either full of himself from his past high-school experiences and the attention they got there, and/or they were more concerned about the outline of the opposite sex's body instead of the contents of their hearts, and exemplified that lust through their words and actions.

With all of that said, I really wanted to find some guys who wanted the change the stigma for the "good guys", or at least the ones who cared and wanted to make a difference.

About a month before school started back up, one of my buddies, Max, had messaged me about how he wanted to start a Bible study. Little did he know that I had been waiting for this moment for months now, and I was finally going to have someone take this opportunity on with!


John 13:35

By this, all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

Our first night hosting our Bible study, we planned on having a big backyard barbeque event with sand volleyball, bags, basketball, frisbee......the whole nine yards. Thanks to bad weather, we didn't do what was anticipated, and the event got moved to one of the residence hall basements.

To make it worse, about half of the guys that were excited about coming ended up being scheduled to work, had exams the next day, or just decided last minute the hype wasn't worth it.

Which was totally fine......we had 2 guys show.

Then 3.......then 4.......then 6......then 9 total guys.

And that was God working through Max and I to make things work out in the end, for His glory.

While the numbers of guys who came didn't really matter, the numbers I gave them (scale of 1-10, how bad did they want to be a part of this group), the average answer was somewhere between 9 and 10.

That was exciting! We already had the core of the group, and the best part being that most of those guys were ones I least expected to show.

That is when I knew God was getting ready to create something big, and Max and I just had to be thankful and prepare our hearts before we poured into the hearts of other guys.


Hebrews 13:1

Let brotherly love continue.

One really cool thing I remembered from my past Bible study brotherhood and the one we've got now is that each and every individual in the group thus far is so different from one another. We've got college athletes, college mathletes, musicians, artists, gamers, introverts, extroverts, and all kinds of other differences in personalities......

......but overall, the guys didn't hesitate once to interact with one another. Didn't think to hold back from being kind to the person next to them who maybe had little to nothing in common with them. They just wanted to be there, a place aside from schoolwork and all the crap piled on top of them, and to share brotherly love.

I'm so excited to see where this group goes both now in my next three years at Wartburg, and in my lifetime when myself and all of the other F4 gentlemen take on the world.

With that said,

Live as Christ created you, love as Christ called you to, and be loved by those around you.

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