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"Even When It Rains" - Devo #24

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

As of this past Monday, I have began my first May Term experience at Wartburg College. We have one class for 3 hours, Monday-Friday, and it’s honestly incredibly relaxing.

I can finally take a break from the number of things that I had to be responsible for, and each day finally feels like one day closer to SUMMER TIME!

This weekend, I went home to spend time with friends and family as well as introduce my girlfriend, London, to what felt like just about the entire town!

London and I went on a bike ride through town yesterday morning because the weatherman said it was going to be 70 degrees, clear skies, and sunny!

But that was not the case.


Psalm 84:11

For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.

It began to drizzle rain and the sun jumped behind the clouds. I knew that my beautiful day home with London was going to stink now that it's not the perfect day I was hoping for.

But that's when I texted my mom in response to my former attitude towards the gosh-darn weather:

"Mum, I think a little bit of rain isn't going to kill us today!"

Just when I thought everything was going to be all hunky-dory, and I would have no other issues to deal with, I was quickly reminded by God that rain is never going to be the biggest upset in my life, and in fact, it just might be one of the smallest!


Psalm 18:2

The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Over our choir tour, we sang a piece titled "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" by Kyle Pederson.

While some members of the church may know this piece as a sweet and slow hymnal, it was translated into a song full of strength and splendor!

We sang of the power of God's promise to protect us and provide for us forever and always.

Especially during some of our most difficult times, we hope, pray and ask God to take hold of our pain and turn it into joy, along with rewarding us for trusting in Him when the battles in our lives cease.

But what about when God has given us everything, or it at least feels like we are currently not struggling with any sort of issues or heavy burdens to carry?

Do we take on the world by ourselves and assume God will take a vacation until we need Him again, or do we prepare for the next time it's going to rain?


Hebrews 11:6

And without faith, it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

Each and every day, I am constantly reminding myself of all of the blessings God has filled my life with. Reminding myself that even when it rains, God has done so much more for me before this rain begun, and He’s planning on having a beautiful, clear sunny sky with a spectacular rainbow to follow, waiting for me and anyone else to look in awe of.

FAITH --> a strong relationship with the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the one who fights each and every one of our battles, the one who will never leave or forsake us; a bond that can never be broken or forgotten with firm trust in Him!

If we can have that - FAITH - there's not a single rainstorm that could separate us from the love and power that God has for us and against our struggles.

God is our rock! God is our shield! God is our refuge!

Questions to ask yourself:

1. What is something new that I can do to strengthen my relationship with God?

2. Scale of 1-10, where is my faith at now, and where do I want it to be?

3. How can you remind yourself about the power of your rock, shield, refuge and strength? What will it take for you to see God's blessings in your life more than the few raindrops that ruin your day?

Pray......that God would send May/June flowers after the April/May showers, and that He would open your eyes today, this week, and this month to see what amazing things He has waiting for you!

With that said,

Live, love, and be loved!

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