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"Earth's Mightiest Heroes" - Devo #23

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

With the fourth and final Avengers movie coming out this weekend, it only makes sense to talk about some of Earth’s mightiest heroes!

The brave one who stood up to forces much larger than himself…

The smart one who prepared and used his equipment to take his team on a journey to save the world…

The long-haired one who raises people from the dead, walks on water, and then sacrifices himself for everyone else…

Oh, is this the Avengers…...or Sunday School characters from the Bible?

Well actually, it’s both! And what’s even more exciting is that all of these superheroes started off as human beings, just like all of us are!

So let’s see what it takes to be one of Earth’s mightiest heroes!


Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Almost always, a superhero comes across either a villain or another person who fears the villain enough to fear they better choose what they believe to be “the winning side”.

Daniel was just a young, teenage shepherd watching over his flock of sheep when all of a sudden, he had to face a lion, a bear, and then a ginormous Philistine giant: the symbol of the entire Philistine Army!

Noah believed that God would send a flood, and prepared all of God’s creation that was with Him to join together on Noah’s Ark and survive as God swept all of his creation, which was not obedient to Him.

Moses led God’s people out of slavery as they all ran from the army of Egyptian soldiers. By lifting his staff and being faithful to God, the Father looked down and split the Red Sea that stood between them and the promise land, to which Moses and his people escaped to.

Jesus - the ultimate superhero: raising people from the dead, giving sight to the blind, healing wounds that before seemed impossible to heal, brought wisdom to fools, showed love to the unlovable, and expected absolutely nothing in return except for us to believe in The Father, who brought Jesus to us to learn from and to live our lives in a similar fashion… know...minus the raising people from the dead and walking on water part.

He fought against Satan many of times when he would tempt Jesus, but The Son was of great faith and perseverance knowing God would always make a way for him. Jesus faced the price of numerous beatings and eventually death on a cross to face all of our sins; both now, in the past, and for the future.

I think those four characters are what I would call HEROES......some of Earth's mightiest heroes.

......and where did their superpowers come from?

GOD, you're darn right!


Romans 15:1-2

We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up.

Whenever I come out of a movie theater after seeing another superhero movie, I’m never thinking about how I can use my superhuman strength or speed to go stop crime.

I’m not sure about anyone else reading this, but I for sure can’t fly or shoot webs out of my hands. But what I can do it be a friend to all. I can be someone who others look up to as a courageous leader. I can be a person with a vision far beyond my own sight, for I know God has already has the answers to “the end game”.

When His time comes, I’ll be ready. Not because I have superpowers, but because my faith is stronger than my fears, my courage comes from God, and He is stronger than anything and everything that has and will ever exist.


Romans 12:19 & 21

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

So which side are you on?

Are you going to follow everyone else and live the rest of your life as a follower, or are you going to take up your sword and shield and fight the good fight for faith?

To be a HERO in the fight for those who need to be defended from others whose hearts are twisted, and others whose hearts are not filled with God’s grace.

To understand what you can do is possible with TRUE FAITH that God is fighting alongside you wherever you go.

Are you going to be courageous and stand your ground to fight forces larger than yourself, like Daniel did when he faced Goliath……..or will you run scared and hide from God to later end up inside the belly of a whale, like Jonah?

Questions to ask yourself:

1. What is power to you? When do you feel POWERFUL?

2. Who is a Bible character that you wish to learn more about? How will you challenge yourself to learn more about this character?

3. How can you be a superhero tomorrow, the next day, the next week, and so on?

4. What is/are your strength(s)? How can you use them to glorify God?

Pray......that you'll continue to seek your strength through God, and not from putting others down, but by bringing them up and growing as the body of Christ...all for His glory, and not your own.

With that said,

Live, love, and be loved.

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