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"Dragging" - Devo #9

Updated: Aug 23, 2022

As I was working this past Monday morning, one of my friends/co-workers looks over at me and says, “This semester is sssuuuuuuuuuuch a drag.” Said it just like that.

Another one says, “This time of year is such a drag.” (exaggerative emphasis on “time of year”)

Another says, “I hate this SNOW!!!! UGH!!!”

Yup yup. I feel you friends. This start back to school and work can really stink after having such a nice and warm break in our homes all bundled up watching Netflix, drinking coffee for fun and not for physical fuel for our bodies, and feeling like you have little to nothing to worry about.

I am feeling the same way, and we’re only 3 weeks into 2019.

Let me get started with this verse:

Matthew 11:28

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”


This past weekend, I had the privilege to attend Hidden Acres’ Annual Men’s Retreat in Dayton, Iowa. While the temperature was an average of below 0 with the wind chill, over 250 men from all types of different backgrounds still came together for an amazing time of fellowship.

Without spoiling all of the fun that I had getting my butt torn up in archery, tomahawk throwing, dodgeball, and pick-up basketball, I’ll just tell you about the man who brought God’s powerful message to all of us gents as well as how it relates to this morning’s devo.

Vince Miller, the spiritual and earthly 5’10 Superman, re-told us the story of David. He mentioned that David was transparent, both with himself and with others. He also explained to us that we, as humans, tend to NOT be transparent. To be more straightforward, we don't always share all that's going on with us...just what we want others to hear.

For guys, it’s the “I’m tough, I can do it myself.”

For gals, it’s the “I’m fine, it’s nothing.”

Laugh, but it’s true.

My last semester as a business major, I was struggling so badly in accounting. My mom would call and ask how classes were going. ‘Good mom, thanks. How’s your day?” And it wasn’t until I had dropped to a C in the class that I went to ask someone for help.

I say this because as we grow older, we think we can do things all by ourselves, and we wait until we’ve fallen to ask for help back up. What we need to do is ask for help while we’re falling.

We’re always dragging all of these weights, burdens, and responsibilities when we go from place to place, and we think we can manage on our own. I think most of us know that we have God on our side, but guess what God also put on our side?


And they’re always willing to help, but we make them think our life is great and we’ve got nothing going on that they should be concerned about.

We’ll cover up our hurt with an Instagram selfie, a SnapChat “hmu”, or my own personal cure: eating food (specifically cookie dough ice cream, for those of you wondering).

Whether you are going through spiritual battles, financial trials, relationship fights, academic troubles, e.t.c., there is always God and there is always another person ready to help.

I was in the weight room the other day doing squats (because leg day is still a thing) when a buddy of mine, Will, had come up behind me to call me out for only squatting half of what he thought I was capable of. He wasn't kidding, after he spotted me and told me over and over to quit doubting myself, I made it up to that number he said I could. All it took was me telling him I couldn't and he showed me I could.

And God puts those people in your life for a reason! He puts people in everyone's life for reasons, and we don't know until we act.

Jesus could have dragged his unbearably heavy cross from the city of Jerusalem to a distant hill by himself to die, but God provided a way for him. He gave him Simon, even after Simon had betrayed Jesus thrice.

The one thing that Vince told all of us this weekend that made me really appreciate David more is that not only did everyone think David wasn’t qualified to take out Goliath, but that David CHARGED after that giant and killed him with a stone and a slingshot.

David charged after Goliath having faith that God would help him do what he was called to do.

And he did it. But he had to take the risk of charging, knowing very well that he could fail, but his faith was what…?

…...stronger than his fear. His faith was STRONGER than his fear.

He didn't let his brothers or the other soldiers tell him that God was weaker than a giant. He remained strong in his faith and charged.

I challenge everyone who reads this to be transparent with others that you trust. Show them what you’re dragging, and they just might happen to be dragging the same load! We often think we’re the only ones feeling the way we feel, but others out there are suffering just as much, if not more.

If you get anything out of this morning’s devo, know this:

The only way I made it through my week was because of three things mentioned above:

1. - Believing in my heart that God will make a way because I have strong faith, and fears are Satan’s to keep.

2. - Having the transparency to ask others for help.

3. - Charging through the week knowing that if I could make it, I was going to have an amazing weekend ahead of me.

3.1 - oh, and coffee. Coffee will always get you started, but God will keep you going.

You can be dragging 1 tiny thing behind you or 100. As long as you find a reason to keep going and have others with that same reason who understand the both of your battles, nothing can drag you down.


Live, love, and be loved.

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