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"Dark Roads" - Devo #4

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

It wasn't until about 7 months ago that I started driving by myself more and more often. I had the money to do it after graduating from high-school and working as a waiter for a large chunk of the spring and summer time.

I loved it! Just driving around town, to my neighboring towns, and then up to college.

One of my favorite parts about college is when it's over and when it starts up again.

That may seem kind of odd, but when you're done with finals or you get to go on a short break to come home to your own bed, that is an amazing feeling!

Driving back to Wartburg is even more exciting because I get to think about all the things I get to do and the people I get to spend time with when I arrive!


Getting to the title of this morning's devotional, this past Tuesday, I was driving down in Southern Iowa and realized that my phone battery was getting a bit lower than I wanted it (22%), but I figured it would last another hour or so if I didn't use it so much.

Turns out, when I was heading back home, my phone was at 2%, and then 1%, and then a black screen. No phone charger, no G.P.S., no map, and little to no memory of how to get back to campus.

It was really dark when I originally left, and even darker now with little to no light on the interstates and highways I took back home.

Not only could I not see the roads with my crappy 2000 Honda Accord headlights, but I couldn't see the road signs to tell me where to go next.

After multiple re-occurrences of missing my exit and getting off early in a quick panic, I turned on my radio and searched to find the nearest uplifting music radio which I found the 80's Rock station instead.

Turning the volume down on the radio which currently played T.N.T. by AC/DC, I began to pray (with my eyes open) that I would get back safely and quickly. (definitely under the speed limit)

After praying and starting to recognize signs that I had seen before, I made it back to campus and got straight back to my college life.

Before I did anything else when I returned, I had to write down one thing:

"God is like our G.P.S."

We trust Him to take us where we want to go, especially when we haven't gone down a specific path of our life before.

When we take the wrong turns, He re-directs our paths and puts us on a new path that continues us toward our original destination.

If we end up missing our turn again, He'll find another way for us, just as my G.P.S. would've done if I would've brought my phone charger with me.

When we choose to go down a dark road, God will help us see through it. He'll provide us with His light and power you through your hardships.

In Proverbs 3:5 & 6, it says this:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. "

If we try and drive ourselves through darkness without God, we will hit every road bump there is to hit, we'll probably blow a tire or two, and we're not going to get to where we want without hurting ourselves over and over again.

But with Him, none of those things are to be worried about because God will make our paths straight.

He'll guide us and comfort us when we are weak.

God will make a way.

So go and live, love, and be loved.

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