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"Butter Your Burnt Toast" - Devo #16

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Fun Fact #1: This morning, time hopped forward an that means we all got 1 hour stolen from our super-duper sleepy bodies.

Fun Fact #2: Losing an hour of sleep is not fun, and the reason why I am posting this 3 hours later than I normally do is because of little sleep.

And the reason why I didn't sleep much was because of our (my worship band, Hope Overflow) super amazing, yet very long journey of sleepless nights on the floor of a church.

With that said, I'll share a verse that I've been loving on this week along with a video at the bottom, and an additional post later this week about my mission trip down south!


James 5:13

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray.

Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise!

This title of this devo is "Butter Your Burnt Toast".

While I was praying with 2 of my worship band pals this past week, I said "like butter on burnt toast" when referring to how God covers our pain and suffering with blessings. We can either choose to taste the sweet, soft butter on our burnt toast, or we can ignore the butter and focus on the burnt toast.

I will tell you that the lady in the video below focused a lot more on the butter that was on her toast. Her name is Vivian, and she is a BLESSING! Once you watch the video, you'll see how she praises God even though she is without a home to live in. She looks past the burnt toast and finds joy in being around others who love the Lord. She sees how God has blessed our group, and abides by faith to live her life to serve God by giving everything she has to Him and others around her, even if everything she owns is purely and simply what Vivian has in her heart.

I'll leave you with two questions to ponder throughout your day as well as a prayer.

1. How can you focus on the butter that's on your toast?

2. Who is someone you've seen or known that has very little, yet still gives God their everything?

Pray......that God would move your heart to love others this week, and to focus on the blessings God already has given you, not just the burnt toast of hurt that lies on the surface.

With that said,

Live, love and be loved.

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