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"490" - Devo #39

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

When I was a little fella, just getting to understand God's ways and what He expected from a second-grader, I was told that as a Christian, I had one of the biggest responsibilities out there:

Forgiving Others......especially when (I thought) they didn't deserve it, and especially when they are constantly trying to attack me.

"But how many times do I say 'It's ok, I forgive you', maybe like 3 times like baseball, 3 strikes, or like 10 for my ten fingers?"

Well, I was pretty confused when I heard I'd be counting to 490, because that's the command Jesus gave his disciples 2000 years ago.


Matthew 18:21-22

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not just seven times, but seventy-seven times!

Seventy-seven times......or even seven times seventy-seven......THAT'S FOUR-HUNDRED AND NINETY TIMES, NO WAY!!! God better smite my enemies after messing up that much!

Four-hundred and ninety......that's quite a bit to be handing out for 'get out of jail free' cards!

"Why should I forgive someone who continues to disgrace my family or my friends?"

"Why should I forgive someone who hurt me in the worst way possible?"

"Why should I forgive someone who attacks my community?"

"Why should I forgive someone who doesn't even believe in God? They're going to hell, anyway!"

All of the above are questions I've been asked or have seen asked for, and the only answer I truly have is this:


Doesn't He?

Can you remember the last time you were struck by lightning or didn't wake up the next morning because of something you did? Me neither.

God is present and continues to let us walk upon His creation so that we can forgive others and show them the grace of God through kindness and never-ending forgiveness, especially when we think they don't deserve it.


Ephesians 4:31-32

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

God doesn't just ask us to forgive someone 490 times, but to continuously forgive someone. If you're keeping track of someone else's mess-ups, I can guarantee you're not keeping record of your own mess-ups! (it's called judging, and it's wrong)

Work together to become better.

When someone does something wrong, don't be quick to point out their flaws when you know you have flaws of your own. (check out Matthew 7:3)

Instead, God calls us to work together to become better, and work out our struggles and mistakes through practice. It's just like a job or a sport: you can't master your craft without relentless failures and 'close-ones'

It takes time, perseverance, and forgiveness: forgiving others and forgiving yourself.

So what's it going to be? Will you choose to forgive others this week, the next week, and the 488 other times after that, especially when you'd rather see them step in dog-poop or get tackled by an NFL linebacker, or will you choose love over your ego and forgiveness over hatred?

I can tell you God would choose love and forgiveness, and Satan would not.

I think I'll choose to live my life closest to Him, as in God, and not the other guy who got kicked out of Heaven.

With that said,

Live, forgive, love, and be loved.

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